Debra Siraco
Debra Siraco is a dedicated and accomplished author and educator, bringing over 35 years of experience in teaching Special Education to her writing. Her profound understanding and compassion for children with diverse disabilities infuse her stories with authenticity and depth, making them both relatable and inspiring. This expertise is a cornerstone of the Tailless Trails series, where her collaboration has enriched the narrative with genuine insights and heartfelt moments.
Debra received a degree in Art Education in 1981, then continued her education to include a degree in Special Education for grades K-12 and a master’s degree in the ED Emotionally Disturbed population. These degrees allowed her to use her creative, artistic mind to think outside the box when servicing special needs children. For over three decades, she taught young special needs students and always found that reading stories they could connect with helped them grow as individuals, knowing they weren't alone with their problems. She retired from teaching in 2018 and published her debut picture book a couple of years later.
She has always had a deep abiding love for animals and birds, which comes across in Tailless Trails . Any animal fortunate enough to be her pet gets spoiled with attention and extra special accommodations. She loves to be in the company of children and will often have neighborhood kids over for art activities or games. She recently began exploring the art of poetry and aspires to someday publish her poems.
Beyond her literary works, Debra is also a celebrated painter. Her works capture the beauty of landscapes and nature, and are highly sought after by galleries and clients in eastern Connecticut for the past decade. Her artistic eye and storytelling prowess combine to create books and art that resonate deeply with audiences. Her wisdom, talents, and unwavering commitment to both education and art are embodied in her works, cherished by readers and art enthusiasts alike.